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ECOTERRA: A Blockchain Ecosystem on Climate Change

Ecoterra: A Blockchain Ecosystem for User Rewards and Company Action on Climate Change

ECOTERRA:  A Blockchain Ecosystem on Climate Change
source ecoterra

All-in-one Recycle2Earn app featuring recycling tokens and ecology actions. Recycled Materials & Carbon Offset marketplaces and more — for empowering companies and rewarding consumers.


Climate change is one of the most urgent and complex challenges facing humanity today. It requires collective action from governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. However, many people feel powerless or confused about how they can contribute to the solution.

That’s where Ecoterra comes in Ecoterra is a blockchain-based ecosystem that aims to empower people to take action on climate change by rewarding them for recycling, using renewable energy, and supporting sustainability projects.  Ecoterra also enables businesses to demonstrate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility by engaging their customers and employees in climate action.

In this blog, we will explore how  Ecoterra works, what benefits it offers, and how you can join the movement. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about Ecoterra and its vision.

What is Ecoterra?

Ecoterra is a company that was founded in 2021 in Bucharest, Romania, by a team of experts in recycling and business. It leverages blockchain technology to create an innovative ecosystem that integrates several functionalities to engage individuals and businesses in actions that support climate change mitigation.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows the storage of data in blocks of information, with each block containing batches of transactions from one moment in time. Its open, decentralized, and secure nature allows blockchain to disrupt traditional transactional systems and create new possibilities for collaboration and trust.

Ecoterra has developed four main features within its ecosystem:

  • Recycle2Earn: an app that allows users to scan plastic and glass bottles, as well as aluminum cans, barcodes and earn Ecoterra tokens for recycling them. Users can also scan their electricity bills to earn Ecoterra tokens for using green energy sources. The app uses artificial intelligence to match the scans with a database of recyclable items and energy providers.

  • Carbon Offset Marketplace: a platform where users can use Ecoterra tokens or other cryptocurrencies to offset their carbon footprint by investing in verified carbon offset projects around the world. These projects include reforestation, renewable energy, waste management, and more.

  • Recycled Materials Marketplace: a platform where businesses can buy recycled materials such as plastic, glass, and aluminum using Ecoterra tokens or other cryptocurrencies. This feature aims to promote the circular economy and reduce waste and pollution.

  • Impact Trackable Profile: a tool that allows users and businesses to record and display their environmental and social impact through their actions within the ecosystem. This feature helps users and businesses build their reputation as climate leaders and attract more customers and partners.

Ecoterra has its own native cryptocurrency called ECOTERRA, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. ECOTERRA is used as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a reward mechanism within the ecosystem. Users can earn ECOTERRA by recycling, using green energy, or participating in other sustainability activities. They can also use ECOTERRA to buy carbon offsets, recycled materials, or donate to environmental causes. ECOTERRA can also be traded on crypto exchanges for other currencies.

What are the benefits of Ecoterra?

Ecoterra offers several benefits for both individuals and businesses who want to take action on climate change.

For individuals, Ecoterra provides:

  • A simple and convenient way to recycle and use green energy

  • A tangible reward for their environmental efforts

  • A transparent and trustworthy platform to offset their carbon footprint

  • A community of like-minded people who share their values and goals

  • A sense of purpose and empowerment to make a positive difference

For businesses, Ecoterra provides:

  • A cost-effective and efficient way to source recycled materials

  • A competitive advantage and brand differentiation in the market

  • A loyal and engaged customer base who appreciate their sustainability efforts

  • A motivated and productive workforce who align with their mission

  • A positive social impact and reputation

How can you join Ecoterra?

If you are interested in joining Ecoterra, you can follow these steps:
  • Download the Recycle2Earn app from the official website or the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

  • Create an account using your email address or phone number.

  • Start scanning your recyclable items or electricity bills using your smartphone camera.

  • Earn ECOTERRA tokens for every scan you make.

  • Use your ECOTERRA tokens to buy carbon offsets or recycled materials from the marketplaces within the app.

  • Track your impact profile and see how much you have contributed to the environment.

  • Invite your friends and family to join the app and earn more ECOTERRA tokens.

Earn ECOTERRA tokens for every scan
source ecoterra

If you are a business that wants to join Ecoterra, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website and fill out the contact form.

  • Receive a consultation from the Ecoterra team to assess your needs and goals.

  • Register your business on the Ecoterra platform and create your profile.

  • Start buying recycled materials from the Recycled Materials Marketplace using ECOTERRA tokens or other cryptocurrencies.

  • Engage your customers and employees in the Ecoterra ecosystem and reward them with ECOTERRA tokens.

  • Showcase your impact profile and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.


Ecoterra is a blockchain ecosystem that aims to empower people to take action on climate change by rewarding them for recycling, using renewable energy, and supporting sustainability projects. Ecoterra also enables businesses to demonstrate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility by engaging their customers and employees in climate action.

Ecoterra offers several benefits for both individuals and businesses who want to make a positive difference for the planet. Ecoterra provides a simple and convenient way to recycle and use green energy, a tangible reward for environmental efforts, a transparent and trustworthy platform to offset carbon footprint, a community of like-minded people, a sense of purpose and empowerment, a cost-effective and efficient way to source recycled materials, a competitive advantage and brand differentiation, a loyal and engaged customer base, a motivated and productive workforce, and a positive social impact and reputation.

If you want to join Ecoterra, you can download the Recycle2Earn app or visit the official website and register your account. You can start earning ECOTERRA tokens by scanning your recyclable items or electricity bills, and use them to buy carbon offsets or recycled materials from the marketplaces within the app. You can also track your impact profile and see how much you have contributed to the environment. You can also invite your friends and family to join the app and earn more ECOTERRA tokens.

Ecoterra is more than just a blockchain ecosystem. It is a movement that aims to inspire and enable people to take action on climate change. By joining Ecoterra, you are not only helping yourself, but also helping the planet and society. Together, we can make a difference.


Q: What is blockchain?

A: Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows the storage of data in blocks of information, with each block containing batches of transactions from one moment in time. Its open, decentralized, and secure nature allows blockchain to disrupt traditional transactional systems and create new possibilities for collaboration and trust.

Q: What is ECOTERRA?

A: ECOTERRA is the native cryptocurrency of Ecoterra, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. ECOTERRA is used as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a reward mechanism within the ecosystem. Users can earn ECOTERRA by recycling, using green energy, or participating in other sustainability activities. They can also use ECOTERRA to buy carbon offsets, recycled materials, or donate to environmental causes. ECOTERRA can also be traded on crypto exchanges for other currencies.

Who is this project addressed to?

Ecoterra is addressed to a diverse range of utilizers, including individuals who recycle, small businesses, large corporations, industries, governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The project aims to provide benefits and solutions to all of these groups in order to create a more sustainable future. By addressing their needs , ecoterra hopes to create a comprehensive approach to recycling, circular economy and carbon offsetting, integrating it with blockchain technology for transparency, security and ease of use.

What makes ecoterra unique and valuable?

Utilizing blockchain technology ecoterra is committed to step up circular economy processes by providing a recycled materials marketplace and creating a platform for incentivizing individuals to recycle. This not only helps to increase recycling rates, but it also provides a unique opportunity for people to earn rewards while making a positive impact on the environment. ecoterra is also able to provide a transparent and secure way of tracking emissions and carbon credits, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change through our carbon offset marketplace.

How can I earn ecoterra for recycling?

You can earn Ecoterra tokens by recycling through a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) in small or large stores. Every time you recycle an item through an RVM, you will receive a certain amount of Ecoterra tokens as a reward. This provides an incentive for individuals to recycle and helps to increase overall recycling rates. To start earning Ecoterra tokens, simply scan your product's barcode, locate a store with an RVM and begin recycling your items. After scanning the RVM's receipt, you will receive a certain number of ecoterra tokens for each item that you recycled, and you can use these tokens to sell, hold, stake or donate to environmental causes. By recycling you are not only helping to create a more sustainable future, but you are also being rewarded for your efforts.

What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is a process where individuals or businesses can offset their carbon emissions by investing in projects that reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. The idea is that by investing in projects that reduce emissions, the impact of one's own emissions can be "offset" or reduced. Carbon offsetting can take many forms, including investing in renewable energy projects, planting trees, or supporting energy efficiency measures in developing countries. The goal of carbon offsetting is to reduce the overall level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Carbon offsetting is seen as a way for individuals and businesses to take responsibility for their own emissions and make a positive impact on the environment. It provides a way for people to mitigate the impact of their emissions and support the transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon economy.

What kind of brands can use ecoterra?

Ecoterra can be used by a variety of brands, including those that are committed to sustainability and the use of recycled materials. Some well-known brands in this category include Patagonia, The North Face, and H&M. These brands are leaders in the sustainable fashion and outdoor industries, and they are known for their commitment to using environmentally friendly materials and reducing their carbon footprint. In addition to clothing and outdoor brands, a wide range of other industries can also benefit from using ecoterra. For example, packaging and consumer goods companies like Coca Cola, Heineken etc. can use recycled materials to reduce their environmental impact, while technology companies can also use the platform to offset their emissions and support renewable energy projects. Overall, ecoterra is designed to be a flexible and versatile solution that can be used by a large variety of brands and industries. By providing a way to offset emissions and support sustainable practices, it offers a practical and effective solution for companies looking to reduce their environmental impact.

Is carbon offsetting legitimate?

Carbon offsetting can be a legitimate way to address the issue of carbon emissions, but its effectiveness and legitimacy depend on a number of factors. On the one hand, carbon offsetting can help to reduce the overall level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by supporting projects that reduce emissions. By investing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other emissions-reducing projects, individuals and businesses can offset their own emissions and help to mitigate the impacts of climate change. However, the legitimacy of carbon offsetting also depends on the quality of the offset projects and the transparency and accountability of the offset providers. To ensure the legitimacy of carbon offsetting, it is important to choose offset projects that are independently verified, transparently managed, and have a clear and measurable impact on reducing emissions. It is also important to look for offset providers that have a good track record and a commitment to sustainability. In order to achieve this, we partner with Verra, the world's leading standards for climate action.

Disclaimer:This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a financial professional before making investment decisions.

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